
Husband wants a divorce

Husband wants divorce, what do you do.

Husband wants a divorce what do you do?

The first question that will come to your mind is WHY, WHY, WHY!  Your Husband wants a divorce.

Is he having an affair or cheating on you? Is he running away from legal troubles or money lenders? Maybe he is trying to protect you?
If he tells you he is having an affair. Then it is simple. Now all you have to do is evidence gathering to favor you in your divorce court case.

But regardless you need to get to the truth, which is to get Proof and  Evidence, Evidence, Evidence.  Just in the event case, the divorce is going to happen.

Win-Spy Software will help you in getting to the truth and gaining evidence, You can use this evidence to your favor in divorce court.  Especially if your husband was cheating 

Remote Install Spy

Win-Spy will:
1) Give you access to ALL his saved Chrome Usernames and Passwords. With this, you can access all his Facebook, Gmail, Social Profiles, or any accounts he has visited on Google Chrome.
2) It will monitor ALL his Calls on his mobile phone and SMS. And GPS Location he visited or he is in real-time.
It will record Surrounding Conversations from his phone.
3) It will monitor ALL his Desktop / PC activities.

This is the best and cheapest tool for evidence gathering. Only $49.95.  It is much cheaper than paying Private investigators thousands of dollars to get the same this task done.

Evidence will help you in:
1) Property rights
2) Child custody
3) Alimony
4) Ect.

Husband wants divorce

But you need to get the Evidence when you can. When your cheating husband is still staying with you.

The next step would be:
1) Cancel all joint accounts you have, and cancel the car insurance you have – you do not want to be liable if he gets into a wreck. You are both legally on the policy for each other’s actions.
2) Get a lawyer and present the Evidence/Proof you have. This can favor your case.
3) Record your Emotional Distress and ‘SUE’ both parties for Infidelity. Different states have different laws. But in general, you can sue the parties involved in Infidelity leading to your divorce. This is where the spouse’s bank statement comes into play and is very important. To prove your distress. This is where Win-Spy comes into play. It has both a Keylogger and Chrome Password tool, So you can access his bank records. And how much he was spending on his infidelity.  PS see articles below: Sue both parties in event of Cheating and causing the divorce.

Husband wants divorce

In most cases, the Law will favor the person who was cheated on. From this, you stand a better chance of Winning in Property rights, Child Custody, Alimony, etc.

But gathering Evidence is the key.  And Win-Spy is a superb tool to achieve this.

The bottom line for most of us is how I going to live and Money is the key. 

Bottom Line:

If the marriage cannot be salvaged then give your husband a divorce and move on. Don’t Sacrifice your emotions for someone who does not want you. Move on.

Embrace yourself, You will go through waves of emotions, from freedom to happiness to loneliness to sadness and the cherry on top is the uncertainty about your future.

It drains a lot of emotional energy from you. I can’t even begin to imagine how it is for people with kids with time-sharing and custody battles. In the States, divorce is also extremely expensive.

But it might be better to bear the pain than be in an empty, loveless relationship and wondering if this is what the rest of your future is gonna be like.

It is not the end of the World. It probably is a blessing in disguise.  Like in my friend’s wife’s case.  She is divorced now.  But his ex was cheating on her and was a gambler.  If she was with him she would be broke.  But his new wife is realizing the gravity of having him. 

The next thing you will need to do if you still Husband want a divorce is to Secure yourself Financially click here to read more. 

I hope this article on Husband want divorce has enlightened you and helped you in your trying time.  



5 Ways to Financially Prepare for a Divorce

5 Ways to Financially Prepare for a Divorce

5 Ways to Financially Prepare for a Divorce in Infidelity

According to USA Divorce Rate Statistics. 20% of marriages end in the first 5 years. 32% end in the first 10 years. 48% of spouses who married before the age of 18 are likely to divorce within 10 years. 25% of spouses over 25 years of age get divorced within 10 years.

Needless to say in most events, divorce leaves both couples financially broke and financially burdened.  The key to this is that both couples were not prepared for divorce and did not do their financial preparation work prior to the divorce.

Ok, I am going to dive straight into the topic of 5 Ways to Financially Prepare for a Divorce.

1) Get Solid Evidence of Infidelity that caused the divorce. Evidence is very important to prepare for a divorce case. This could be your ACE card in getting your way in court or with the cheating spouse.  Especially when it comes to financial assets. Be patient and do the homework. Chances are if you smell a rat then there probably is a cheating spouse.

Divorce Evidence

The first thing is to gather proof of Cheating and Infidelity in Divorce.

Spy Software. Get an App called Win-Spy from This could be the best first alternative. Since it only costs $49 a Year, you can monitor both the cell/mobile phone and Remote Desktop. You can monitor 10 remote desktops and 5 mobile phones for only $49 a year. This is the cheapest first choice in evidence gathering on a cheating spouse’s Infidelity.

Win-Spy comes with a Keylogger and Chrome Password Extractor. Chrome Password Extractor will extract all stored usernames/passwords from Chrome Browser. This tool will allow you to access ALL your cheating spouse’s emails, website accounts, chats, etc. This tool alone will allow you tons of access to all the evidence you need on a cheating spouse.  View Sample Report Of Password Extractor – Click Here.

This option is much, much cheaper than hiring a private investigator.

Stealth Mobile Spy and PC Spy Software by Win-Spy

Private investigator. Get a private investigator or do it yourself. You could easily follow your cheating spouse via GPS live location and take pictures and gather evidence of Infidelity. Private Investigators can be Costly.  And not worth the money if you only have a hunch about your cheating spouse’s Infidelity. This amount could run to thousands of dollars and may not be financially sound based on a hunch. This method is only practical if your hunch was proven right or after reviewing your spouse’s mobile data or pc data using the spy app.

2) What is Contested and Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested divorce – the parties agree on all the major issues of the case.

Contested divorce – the parties do not agree on major issues and will rely on the court to determine the outcome of the case.

In any case, if you have good evidence of spouse Infidelity, then it does not matter if it is an uncontested divorce or a contested divorce.  Either your cheating spouse will agree with your financial terms, or the courts will determine the terms.  But, If you can prove Infidelity on your spouse’s part, then the court will favor your terms for the divorce. 

In an Infidelity case, courts will in most events favor you the person who was cheated on.

Child Custody. Evidence, could probably/easily allow you to win child custody. Of course, if you have child custody.

a) You can easily claim Child Support.
b) Claim your children as dependents on your Income Tax statement and get a bigger refund check.

child-support divorce

Property. Evidence, could also likely allow you to get a positive outcome on the property (house and car) you hold jointly.  Finding a new place and paying rentals as a divorcee is no fun these days.

Dividing properties after divorce

3) Spouse Bank Records. This is very, very important – keep records of your spouse’s financial/bank records. This will show what they are spending on their Infidelity (hotels, rooms, trips, dining). This could solidify your case on what you will receive financially. You could argue on what you are receiving is much less than what the spouse was paying for the affair.

Bank Records

4) Open Your Own Bank Account. Open a New Bank Account. And get your Credit Cards. You want to avoid being taken by shock when your spouse moves out and leaves you out to dry. Move some money to your bank account via cash for a rainy day.

5) Record your Emotional Distress and ‘SUE’ both parties for Infidelity. Different states have different laws. But in general, you can sue the parties involved in Infidelity leading to your divorce. This is where the spouse’s bank statement comes into play and is very important. To prove your distress. PS see articles below:

emotional distress in a divorce

My Spouse Committed Adultery — Can I Sue For Emotional Distress?

Yes, You Can Sue Someone for Breaking up a Marriage

Secure Child Custody in a Divorce when Spouse is Cheating

3 Best Ways How to Secure Property in a Divorce

Divorce from Infidelity is a very painful thing to go through. Your trust is destroyed, your heart is cracked and you feel abandoned by the very person who said: “I DO”. While it is a very bad thing. Sometimes it could be better to work things out with your spouse. Knowing the truth beforehand might be better before things go out of hand. It could also save your marriage.

Disclaimer: I am not a litigator of any kind. I hope our post on 5 Ways to Financially Prepare for a Divorce in Infidelity has enlightened you. But, PS Install this app on networks or devices you own. Please check your local laws when installing a monitoring app on your devices.